Recruiting-Lösungen für Nischenmärkte

Our special recruiting solutions aim to find candidates for markets with special requirements. 

Recruiting-Lösungen für Nischenmärkte

Our special recruiting solutions aim to find candidates for markets with special requirements. 

Recruiting Services-2 people


We have more than 25 years of experience as a partner in recruitment  and use this in a practical way for you. With us you have a contact person who will create a suitable strategy for you, whether active sourcing or personnel services. We bring you together with the right, qualified candidates. 

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Talent Management - 2 people


Are you constantly looking for qualified candidates for your customers and need a well-filled talent pool? We offer the right solutions and support you in constantly replenishing the pool – competently and efficiently.

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Diversity - 4 people

Für Agenturkund:innen

Monster is your partner when it comes to actively marketing to your agency clients. Together we develop the optimal recruitment strategy to reach the right target groups for your clients. Monster is more than just a job board and supports you with a complete portfolio of products and services.

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Dies ist ein Pflichtfeld
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Monster für den öffentlichen Dienst

Monster ensures greater success and satisfaction in the workplace every day by using Monster solutions to help authorities and administrations find the right employees and candidates for the right job. With Monster, you get expertise for your job advertisements, social media services and intelligent digital and mobile solutions.

Public service